DIY Homemade Mini Valentines Donuts + Icing. (Free Printable Recipe Included)

Spread the loveLove season is almost here and I personally believe donuts are the perfect sweet treat! I love donuts but I only eat cake donuts! Crazy right? You’re probably thinking what the heck girl? A donut is a donut? BUT NO WAY. Cake donuts are sooo much better than a donut you can buy at dunkin. I actually only started eating them about a year or so ago. I was in Sedona and went to a place that only makes cake donuts and I WAS IN HEAVEN! They are so good, it’s basically like eating cake but in donut form! Yes please! Since I don’t live in Sedona (I’ll be going for my birthday though so yasss) I decided to make them myself at home and put some cute little toppings on them. I mean its beyond fun and the kids especially love decorating them. The recipe is so easy to make and it can be done in an hour. Including the decorating. I did some fun Valentine’s Day one this year and I did mini donuts! How cute right? I seriously can’t get enough! The best part is you can totally do what you want with them. I … Continue reading DIY Homemade Mini Valentines Donuts + Icing. (Free Printable Recipe Included)