A Step by Step Guide on how to create a Media Kit for Influencers.

February 8, 2023
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Hey Bestie! So if you’ve been thinking about working with brands or maybe you already have started but you want to take it to the next level, then this is the blog for you! I have been working with brands for over 4 years now and one thing I get asked for more than not is a media kit.

What is a Media Kit?

If you’ve never heard of a media kit, (you probably have) but if not it’s basically a document that social media influencers/content creators share with brands when discussing a partnership that includes, a little about them, brands they’ve worked with, past work they’ve done, stats and sometimes pricing as well.

It all depends on what you want to add to your media kit but that is normally what is added. Some add pricing, some don’t.

How Do I Make A Media Kit?

How do I make a media kit? So first things first is you’ll need a template, I get all of my templates for basically everything on Canva. They have some amazing ones and you can also do the membership and get even more but it’s not necessary. You can type Media kit and they will pop up, customize it to fit you. You can share link with brands or you can save the photo to your phone. You can make a multiple page media kit or just one page. It just depends what you want on the media kit.

What Do I Need To Add To My Media Kit?

So for this, it really depends on you as I stated above.

The Title

You want the title of it to be your name, blogger name etc. Make this stand out! Make them want to look!

About You

For most media kits i’ve seen, they add a little about them in the beginning, why they love working with brands, etc as well as a photo of them/family and then some images of work they’ve previously done.

With the about me you want that to really stand out, why are you different from anyone else who has reached out? What should make them want to work with you? Be specific, be bold.

Social Media Platforms

You want to include your social media platforms. Instagram, Pinterest, Blog, TikTok, Twitter, Youtube, any and all. You’ll want to include stats for those next to it.

Social Media Statistics

Next they’ll add stats such as following, % of US (or wherever you are based, Canada, etc.) Female/Male %, Impressions, Reach, etc. Social media statistics all together. These brands want to know who they are working with as far as audience. They don’t want someone with a Canadian audience promoting something that’s only in the US. They don’t want products that are for women to be promoted to mostly men, so this is crucial in a media kit.

Previous Partnerships/Collaborations

Include previous partnerships/collaborations and even testimonies if you have them. This can be product only collabs, paid, UGC, anything. Any brands you’ve worked with you’d include here. This can be great if the brand wants to reach out to a previous company you’ve worked with and see how well it performed.


Some people choose to include pricing in the media kit and others don’t. This is all based on you. Some think buy adding it to the media kit that you might miss out on potential money. Others have a set pricing and wont go below that so they add it. It’s all up to you with this one.

Testimonies/Case Studies

You can also add testimonies or case studies. Meaning testimony from a brand you’ve previously worked with and case studies, showing your engagement, top comments, likes, etc. basically how it performed. This is great to add to media kits.

Design A Media Kit

Now, you’re probably overwhelmed with all this information but I assure you it’s not as scary as it sounds. It’s a great thing to have if you want to work with brands and want to show them why you are the one for the job. If you aren’t sure where to start or where to get designs for a media kit, a base then don’t leave just yet because I’ll share some links to my favorite templates for a media kit. It’s a free app you can use to make your own. You can also find someone to make you one for a small fee. links below for templates.

Here is my media kit, blurred out but you can see the template, i also have case studies on the next page so when a company asks for my media kit i send them the link instead of all the pages separately. I feel this is more professional (just my opinion, I didn’t always do this)

Links To Templates

Template 1

Template 2

Template 3

Those are really great templates to start with. You can also start one from scratch if you’d prefer that. I hope this helps and best wishes on your journey!

Xoxo until next time, Cheyenne.

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