Hello & Welcome!
July 2, 2018

Alright, so to start let me just say I have no clue what I’m doing so I’m just going to start by introducing me and my little mixed family!
My name is Cheyenne Traficante. I’m just a target, coffee, boho, rae dunn loving gal. I love decor, food, joanna gaines, holidays & COFFEE! I love to share my style, my decor, food, the real and raw motherhood truths, & ofcourse my beautiful family.
I’m a mama of two littles. Aubrey Ann & Domiano Jr. (DJ for short) I’m married to their daddy (7 years come September.) We live in Sunny Arizona. I moved here when I was just 11 years old and I’ve called it home since. I’m from Chicago and that’s where most of my family is. My husband is from Colorado Springs and came here not long before we met.
We had our first baby when I was just 17 but we knew it was meant to be and she truly saved us. We had our second little man when I was 23 & we just feel so complete. They really complete us and make us whole. We went through some really rough spots in our marriage but we always came out stronger than before.
After I had my son in Jan of 2018, I struggled really bad with PPA AND PPD. It was the hardest thing ever and even harder on our marriage. I didn’t even know how I was feeling or why so how could I expect him to help? He did everything he possibly could and tried to help me so much. I knew one day I would overcome and when I took control of my life and lost the baby weight, I started feeling good again.
I started to feel like me again. I wasn’t just magically fixed but I knew I was on the right road. I worked hard, I found something to helped me to lose the weight and it just went up from there. I knew I was helping myself the best way I could.
I wanted to start blogging to share the highs and the lows of motherhood and just life, share my favorite products, recipes, home tours and more. My life is messy but I think everyone can agree it’s never perfect. I’m excited to share my life with you & I hope to get to know you also!