My sweet baby boy is TWODLES!

January 26, 2020
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Bare with me, this is going to be all over the place.

Today, my sweet once 8lb baby is two. It’s unbelievable how fast they grow up. Before I know it, he’ll be off to college and getting married and having kids of his own. (Dramatic I know but so true.)

I’ve always been super emotional around birthdays. I’m just an emotional person and when my babies get a year older it really hits home. Ever since Aubrey was born, I cry every birthday. I just can’t believe how fast the time really flies by. They always tell you not to blink because once you have kids life just flashes by and I never understood it until I had kids of my own.

Watching DJ grow has been magical

Even more so watching my two babes grow together. Aubrey is the best big sister and DJ is just obsessed with her. The bond they have is just amazing and melts my heart in so many ways. I could cry just thinking about it ( see so emotional )

When I got pregnant with him it was NOT planned at all, I was so scared. How was I going to love another baby like I loved my first? How was she going to react to having another baby around? Would she get jealous and act out? Would I get preeclampsia again? Would I bleed out and die? Thank goodness at that first ultrasound, all those worries went away. I knew I would love this baby just as much as her. I knew God was in control and this was just apart of his plan.

I honestly had the best pregnancy. My first was pretty rough, I was 17. I was depressed, my body was changing in ways I didn’t even know we’re possible. I was young and didn’t know if me and her daddy would last, I didn’t know anything. With DJ I was terrified, my pregnancy went so well. I had energy, felt good, only gained 16 lbs. I looked like I gained more than 16 lbs though (LOL)

He came into this world January 26th, 2018. 10:59pm 8lbs 3oz (exact weight his sissy was) 19 3/4 inches long. Oh my, was he was perfect, he was beautiful and we were so in love immediately. He had a head full of hair and looked JUST like his sister but obviously a boy. We were just in awe.

We struggled a bit to breastfeed because he had a lip/tongue tie and I cried every single feeding but I knew I wanted to do it. NO MATTER WHAT. Once we got that revised at a couple months old, It was a breeze. It was such a special bond me and him shared and even when I wanted to rip my hair out because I just wanted to pee without a baby attached to my boob, it was so worth it.

One year breastfeeding shoot. We did a 6 month one also and plan to do a 2 year shoot. It was a huge goal for me.
Some shots my amazing photographer got when DJ needed some boob after his birthday pics.

Now he’s two and he’s the funniest, sweetest most loving baby ever. He’s such a daddy’s boy but such a mama’s boy at the same time. He’s the light of our life and we’re just so complete with him. Sissy loves to be around him & loves to help. Especially if he falls she’s right there, picking him up & giving him kisses. 

Our sweet baby is two & I’m a blubbering mess. Birthdays are such a bittersweet time. I love watching my babies flourish and grow together, become their own individuals. Being a mama is the best thing to ever happen to me.

Birthday pictures by the amazing Kristin Pemberton Photography.

We are just in love with this little boy and can’t begin to explain how blessed we are. Two beautiful babies. I couldn’t imagine my life without either of them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET BABY BOY!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND CAN’T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN HOW THANKFUL WE ARE FOR YOU.

xoxo, cheyenne

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