Mom shaming, I’m sure it’s happened to you, maybe your friend. Whether it was breastfeeding, co-sleeping, what you feed your kids, the way you parent in general, I’m sure all of us have dealt with it. Us moms should really be sticking together. Instead we’re tearing one another apart.
Once I became a mom, I realized how nasty moms can be. They don’t agree with you and it’s automatic shame. They will tear you apart and act like it’s okay. If you don’t agree with how someone parents, it’s really simple don’t be friends. BOOM.
In reality, we should all be lifting one another up. Motherhood is fucking hard (excuse my language) It’s the toughest thing i’ve ever dealt with and trust me i’ve dealt with a lot.
I get shamed for breastfeeding in public (such a huge one) I get shamed for feeding my kids mcdonalds every now and then, I get shamed for co sleeping, for waiting until my kids are over 6 months old to feed them real food. Every single thing I do, I get shamed. Guess what? I don’t shame you, I don’t watch every single thing you do and always have something negative to say. It’s YOUR baby, it’s your life. Even when I hear things and cringe, I still don’t shame you.
This week on The Untold Stories Of Motherhood we’re all speaking on mom shaming, what has happened to us
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