A little Q and A.

April 25, 2020
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Let’s play a little Q&A!

Some friends and I thought it would be a fun idea to do a small q&a train and share our own answer.

✨If there was one travel Destination you could take your kids where would it be?

Gosh this is so hard because we haven’t really been able to travel with the kids.. I’d have to say Hawaii. I’ve always wanted to go myself and the kids absolutely love any water!

✨What Disney character are you?

Hmm.. I’d say Alice. Alice in wonderland has always been mine and my husbands favorite movie. She’s got a wild imagination.

✨Sum up your first year of motherhood in three words.


✨If you could live anywhere and cost of living wasn’t a factor, where would it be and why?

If I could live anywhere, I’d probably go back home to Chicago.. My husband wouldn’t ever move there so next choice would be… New Zealand or somewhere along those lines. I have some friends who live there and my gosh it’s gorgeous, it seems very laid back and they have like no crime. It’s insane. I’d love to travel around though and then make my decision.

Wanna see how my friends answered these questions?

Head over to these pages to see how they answered.



Xoxo until next time, Cheyenne.

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