It’s Okay To Not Love Pregnancy Mama.

July 14, 2021
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No matter how long you’ve been trying or not trying, pregnancy is hard. Pregnancy really takes a toll on a person. Some people absolutely love pregnancy, they love how they look, they feel like they just glow…. well not me.

I’m the type of person who just really doesn’t love pregnancy. I don’t get that glow (well maybe it’s the sweat for me) I don’t feel beautiful. My husband could tell me 1,000 times a day and I still don’t feel it. I gain in all the wrong places and I can’t even begin to explain the heartburn, the indigestion, the headaches… The list goes on.

We feel as though we have to love pregnancy because after all people do struggle to get pregnant, so many women struggle with infertility. Just because I don’t love pregnancy doesn’t mean I don’t love my baby, it doesn’t mean I’m not grateful to be carrying life. I’ve gotten that before when I told someone I just don’t like pregnancy. “Well be grateful you can even carry a life” “Some people don’t even get the chance to carry a baby” “Be happy you have a healthy pregnancy” Those are just a few of the many things I’ve heard. I’m here to say, I never said I wasn’t grateful… I never once said I wasn’t blessed or heads over heels for my baby.

It’s okay to not love pregnancy, it’s okay to not love your body while growing a human. It’s also okay to love it. Just as those who absolutely love pregnancy, we as women should be allowed to talk about not liking it also. Some days I do feel beautiful. Most days, I just feel gross, hot, tired, nauseous, and ready to have my sweet baby in my arms already. When I carry a life, my body changes so much and after working so hard to get my body to a place where I was happy, it’s hard.

My body changes in all the places, my arms, face, legs, and especially with girls, I get WIDE. It’s hard to love a body that keeps changing, the stretch marks, the double chin, the dry skin, the oily skin, the hair, the swollen fingers and feet and legs, us pregnant mamas really go through it and it’s okay to not love it. It’s okay to love your baby but not the pregnancy.

We have to remember it is temporary, it’s only going to last for a little while. For me, after i had my daughter i lost all the weight really fast. I was that “bounce back” mom. With my son? No. I was breastfeeding and I gained more weight after I had him than being pregnant with him. Which was a struggle for me. We deal with so many emotions, pregnant and after birth, we deal with the many many changes of our body, the stress of having a newborn, it’s a lot. Motherhood is hard but it’s so so worth it.

I’m just here to say IT’S OKAY TO NOT LOVE PREGNANCY. It’s okay to not take a million ad one photos, it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to scream even! You deserve to feel those emotions. I’ve been there and I’ve done all the things. I’ve been told I should love it, I should embrace it. The truth is, I just can’t love it. Now that I’m 28 weeks, I’m just even more uncomfortable and peeing every 5 seconds, and I just know the stretch marks are to come. Once my sweet girl makes her appearance I’ll forget all about how much I disliked being pregnant. It’ll all be so worth it right in that moment.

Motherhood is hard mama, but it’s okay to not love pregnancy. It’s okay to love your baby but not pregnancy. You are doing amazing. You are capable. You are beautiful even if you don’t believe it.

I just wanted to write this post to remind myself and others it’s okay. It’s all okay, it’s going to be okay. You are going to be okay and you will have your body back and your baby in your arms soon enough.

Xoxo until next time, Cheyenne.

3 responses to “It’s Okay To Not Love Pregnancy Mama.”

  1. Kimmy says:

    I love this. I dont love being pregnant by any means and I remember being pregnant with Gracelyn and someone asking me if I was pregnant cause they couldn’t tell and I felt so huge in that moment. I didnt show with her until I was damn near 8 months. Pregnancy is rough on some mamas and other mommas it just thrives on them. Thank you for being so honest with your journey.

  2. Keta says:

    I feel this on so many levels ugh

  3. Heather says:

    Its definitely okay to not love pregnancy. I feel like as women we normalize struggling and not saying anything because it’s our job. As someone who struggles with infertility, I don’t feel less than when I hear others say they are having a rough time. If you don’t love it, that’s okay.

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